(Watched Haruhi Suzumiya this week and while I did rather enjoy most of it, I must agree with others when they say the series of episodes called Endless Eight, which featured a time loop with a scant level of plot progression across all of them, was rather naff.)
This leads me to a thought at the moment: Haruhi felt that there was something key missing from summer that forced the time loop and I have to wonder if perhaps myself, and others in the group from Kitsune, are feeling a bit of burn-out after not really having a holiday over the summer period. It shows itself most in Java, where I find it difficult to engage with the coding side. Still, though, the projects do tick on ...
And Derek this week made sure of it. We were asked for self-imposed deadlines for our key pieces of this module's coursework and reminded us that, actually, we need a marketing analysis done. Fortunately, this is where I have some experience; I had organised one from my group from the second year design project.
Having originally created an updated version of the previous questionnaire I had, I spoke to Gordon Bailey who recommended the functionality of Google Documents, especially the ability to automatically generate graphs, which would definitely come in handy; the questionnaire has a variety of differing question types and allows for multiple choices to select.
We also spent more time fleshing out our design document and technical document on the Wikispaces page, adding more detail to the characters and any win / lose conditions.
You know, I honestly didn't notice until this point that this is the eighth week's blog post as well ...
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