Seems this blog was highly useful in allowing me to both collect letters after my name in the form of BSc and permit me access to Honours year! So I have resumed it for Glorious Benefit of Honours Project!
So this year's project looks like it will centre around the localisation of Japanese games. I've been looking for an excuse to step up the rate of my learning, so why not tie it to something that will force me to panic learn. Nothing to worry about there, right?
Specifically, for the first part I'm looking to analyse the history and highlights of localising games. Such games to look at could be Zero Wing's famously bad translation; or the Final Fantasy series' localisation, giving the player freedom to imagine this could be representative of anywhere in the world; and Persona's localisation, keeping their games rooted firmly in Japan. Another view could be to analyse the refusal to localise Mother 3 and Nintendo's regionally split opinion on Operation Rainfall.
I'm also looking to attempt a localisation of my own of, say, the Final Fantasy Type-0 demo. Specific details of what I'd look to do would come after discussing it with my my supervisor, one Doctor John Sutherland, but I'm thinking I'm probably going to try making a series of documents detailing translations, with subtitled videos of things like the opening cinematic. お楽しみに!