(I bought Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja: Storm 2 when it came out. Unfortunately, the catchphrase of one of the bad guys, "Art is a blast," was poorly translated to, "Art is an explosion." The destruction of this pun, to any Brit, should be seen as a great loss.)
The game seems to be coming along rather well this week. Having worked on the general concept for each character, 5 of the 6 have their core gameplay figured out.
- The Human Path seems to be gearing more towards the exploration and free-running side than combat.
- The Animal Path is towards a physical combat, similar to a Rogue from classic RPGs like Warcraft.
- The Asura, or demi-god, is heavier physical combat, similar to a Warrior.
- The Naraka, or demon, a magical combatant specialising in fire and ice attacks.
- The Preta, or hungry ghost, is a scavenger of health and other items, and can reveal hidden interactable objects.
When it comes to the Deva Path, I'm still unsure of how to progress, so I'll have to think on it over the weekend. Possibly something to do with puzzles, but how that would tie in with his personality ...
I also went over the concept art of the Paths with J and Jonny. Deva was pending by the end of Friday, and Animal was needing a bit more work, so we discussed the changes to be made for the next version of the concepts.
Concepts Discussion
Name: Ashoka
Age: 24
Hair: Shorten hair, more 'monk-y'. Would cut it before leaving.
Build: Expand the waist.
Potential concepts: Monkey from Enslaved, monks from Dragon Quest IX, Prince from Prince of Persia: Sands of Time game.
Preta - Hungry Ghost
Expression: Tormented & forlorn, blank eyes with little detail - pupiless.
Build: Extend neck & legs while maintaining thigh thickness / try Casper-ish whisp legs in separate concept.
Face: Less teeth - more gums-y.
Naraka - Devil
Build: Concept with full body, could keep original as effect.
Concepts: Hork-bajir (from Animorphs), Ifrit from Final Fantasy 10, Paradrager from Jade Cocoon 2.
Asura - Titan
Personality: Out to prove himself, inferiority complex, jealous of Deva, could cover self with divine symbology & jewellery.
Build: Less muscular (possibly give to Naraka?) to just a bit more than the human.
Concepts: Love Machine from Summer Wars, Kilik from Soul Calibre 3.